Vinva Systematic Global Equities Strategy

MFG Asset Management offers a range of Vinva systematic equity funds that aim to provide investors with high risk-adjusted outperformance by maximising skill, breadth, and efficiency

Vinva is a pioneer in systematic investing. This unique approach combines sound economic insights and market understanding with a disciplined, repeatable, and efficient process aiming to deliver consistent investment returns over time.


Equity Specialists

Access a highly skilled investment team that generates the ideas behind each alpha opportunity.

Global Exposure

Data driven insights

Leading-edge technology processes vast amounts of information quickly and systematically and removes emotional biases.

Reduced Volatility

Active Management

Analysing market data and adjusting active positions to capitalise on opportunities in a competitive investment landscape.

Long Term Growth


Diversified portfolios designed to be style, industry and country neutral aiming to consistently deliver alpha over time.

Vinva is an independent, majority employee-owned global investment management firm founded in Australia. It is a pioneer in systematic equity strategies and specialises in long-only and long-short strategies, across Australian and global equity markets. Vinva is recognised as one of the most respected fund managers in the industry with a track record of consistent outperformance over 25 years.

Watch more about Vinva (2 mins)

Vinva's systematic investment style utilises skilled investment insight and vast amounts of data to develop sophisticated models and generate market signals that guide portfolio decisions. Vinva's strategies are designed with the potential to deliver consistent outperformance through different market environments, with no significant sector or style biases on average through time.  

Vinva aims to achieve high risk-adjusted outperformance by maximising skill, breadth, and efficiency. Believing that markets are not perfectly efficient, offering opportunities for skilled active managers to earn excess returns over time.

Vinva's systematic investment approach leverages investment insights, markets trends, and relative mispricings that other investors may overlook. Their investment team identifies alpha opportunities by analysing large amounts of data from various sources. They develop insight-driven models, including stock ranking, risk, and transaction cost forecasting models, using over 50 proprietary signals across a global universe of more than 2,800 stocks. These models consider changing market conditions, investor behaviour, and liquidity opportunities.

Vinva aims to understand and analyse the relationships between data and predictions, which serve as buy or sell signals to inform investment decisions. Predictive signals evaluate each stock based on a wide range of criteria, such as earnings quality, balance sheet fundamentals, valuation, sentiment, and supply chain linkages. Some signals may be positive, others negative. 

Skilled insights and intensive research process
Skilled insights and intensive research process
Leading-edge investment technology
Leading-edge investment technology
Dynamic portfolio construction and robust risk controls
Dynamic portfolio construction and robust risk controls

Vinva's portfolio construction process integrates stock ranking models, risk models and transaction cost forecasting into a systematic and proprietary dynamic optimisation process. Vinva's models take into account changing market conditions, behaviour of other investors and liquidity opportunities on a continuous basis.  

Vinva's proprietary tools and models process data on an intra-day basis from hundreds of global sources. They seek to ensure that both overweight and underweight positions are deliberate and based on sound economic principles. By leveraging informed decision-making for thousands of potential global stocks, it creates a portfolio with hundreds of small active positions, rather than a more concentrated portfolio with larger and riskier stock positions.

Vinva's Global systematic strategies typically includes over 400 investments and is managed to be style-neutral, meaning it is not expected to be significantly correlated with any single company, country, or to industry-specific or macroeconomic risks.   

For further information about the Vinva systematic global equities strategies please contact